Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dianna Agron "Likes Girls"

Fans were outraged and curious because of Dianna Agrons (Quinn Fabrays) shirt during their Glee live Vancouver Performance of Born this way. Instead of her mist common shirt of "Lucy Caboosey" Miss Agron wore a shirt that stated "LIKES GIRLS." many fans asked:
"is this Di's way of coming out?"
"is this a new quality of Quinn Fabray?"
"does this have any thing to do with Achele?"
Well, to answer your questions no, no, and kinda. Dianna posted online a essay about why she chose to wear this shirt, her explanation reminded me of how she inspires me.
"Acceptance opens doors, makes room for change, diffuses misunderstanding. Every day, people commit hate crimes because of misunderstandings. Hate effects the target, and consumes the person behind the gun. It is crazy to realize that we have been in war for almost our entire existence on this planet. Many times for reasons of greed and hate." my favorite dianna quote. Read her explanation and leave comments telling me what you think

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