Glee Relationships

Finchel Well, I always go crazy for a Good Finchel storyline and the New York episode made my day. Finches has an ongoing relationship, and even when they're not dating they are constantly thinking about each other. I love St. Berry, but finches is the Way to my heart.

St. Berry St Berry is the relationship between Jesse (lead VA vocalist) and Rachel berry. Jesse reunited Rachel and shelby, and later returned to break her heart. In one later episode Jesse stated that Rachel was more important tO him than fame (which to him is a huge compliment)

Puckleberry Rachel and Puck. most famous for his quote about Rachel.Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: "Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get in her pants." Although the relationship didnt last very long due to them both being in love with other people.

Quam Quam is the Relationship between Quinn and Sam. Which started in the episode "Duets" and ended in "Comeback" when Quinn cheated on Sam. Quinn and Sam were the perfect couple, and with hope will reunite.

Mersames Mercedes and Sam went to prom, and we secretly discover they are dating in the episode "new york." We dont know where its headed yet, but hopefully in a good direction.

Samtana The relationship between Sam and Santana which starts in "Comeback" and ends when Santana declares her new-found love for Brittany.

Brittana Brittana is the relationship between Brittany and Santana. Its currently a secret because Brittany loves Artie, but i hear season 3 starts with a Brittana BANG!

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